I went outside asking who had been using my bathroom while I was at work, and neither would admit it. I finally got Eric to come and take a look...with the light turned on and a closer look, it was definitely not what I thought it was-LOL!
Since Adam has been the resident frog catcher this summer (this is our third one in the house-one climbing the glass in our door wall in the dining room, the second one plopped on Adam's foot in the middle of the night from his ceiling fan and now this one), he very graciously removed it and put it outside.
This is what it looked like...
Photo borrowed from Michigan Herps-an Online Guide to Michigan's Reptiles & Amphibians
Any ideas about how they are getting in? Or where they are coming from? Or how to get rid of them?
Ha Ha! You couldn't run into your bedroom and hide from this one, because it was in your room! I think you should look for a very small opening, perhaps under or next to a door or window. Don't worry, though, by December they'll all be hibernating (or dead) and there won't be any more bad surprises...