
Friday, October 2, 2015

Fast Week!!

This week has gone by so fast!!! I can't believe it's the weekend already! Sunday after church, the weather was so nice, I decided to spend a little time in my favorite place-the hammock! Lucy and I enjoyed the sun, and the trees, probably for the last time this year, as the temperatures are now dropping every day.

My oldest was home all day, and he decided to smoke a pork roast for dinner. At 6:00, his younger brother came to me and asked if there was a plan B...the pork wouldn't be done for a while. Right around bedtime, it was done. We all took a bite to taste because we'd been waiting all day for it, and saved the rest for Monday night's dinner.

On Tuesday my parents spent the night on their way home from their trip to D.C. and Bar Harbor Maine, and after work, Costco, and dinner-that day was over-quick as a blink!

On Wednesday, as I got home from work and got out of my car in the garage, I heard a loud hissing sound...tire going flat-ugh! I was the only one home...all my guys were either at work or school, and I had a game to get to. So, I backed it out, I got it jacked up and the flat tire off, but the spare wouldn't lower! I tried everything, short of crawling under the car. Happily, my friend and teammate, was more than willing to pick me up so we could ride together to meet our other friend and carpool to the game.

We talked so much on that car ride that it seemed like a blink, and we were there!! We had great games and won all 5!! The first game was 17-2! It was sooo much fun!!! But sooo hard to switch gears from competition, laughing, talking and energy to shower and sleep (I got home around 11pm because we had a late game).

Thursday was a quick day at work, so much to do, is sometimes a good thing, because the time goes so fast!!! After work, I was on the hunt for tires. I got a few quotes and decided to try the place we originally bought the tires from. That was a great decision! The tires were under warranty and I got a huge discount on new tires because the old tires didn't last as long as they were warranted for. Too bad though, they found my wheel was cracked!! So, I have to go back today to get the new wheel and get rid of the little donut tire. I'll be so glad to have new tires and no more hydroplaning on wet roads because of low tread!!

Last night was a fun night. I got some great quality time with my 2 guys and the oldest's gf. So much laughing, and good times!!! What a great night!!

Today, I'm just being a homebody...waiting for the call that my new wheel is in. It's pretty nice to be home and have it to myself for a few hours! Everyone else is either at work or school...while I love having everyone around, and all of the noise that comes with people, the quiet this morning is so peaceful!!

Tomorrow, Auntie and I are heading to Davisburg again. We've gone to every show they've had since they started,and we're super excited for a fun adventure!!

Here are the pictures of my week:

The view from my hammock

The long-awaited pork roast...we were in our pj's while we watched him cut it!

A Pinterest recipe, that was fun to make, and when I took it to work, it was gone in a snap!

My hammock buddy!

A gorgeous tree on my route to work!

See how low the tread is??? This was the flat one.

Thanks Dad, for making me learn how to do this when I got my very first car!!!

Did you see what Walmart has?? It's smaller than a standard covered cake plate, but it's pretty fun!

Look what I finally found!!! I'm still pinching myself!!!

Now my shelf is complete!!! I never in a million years dreamed that I would ever own the yellow set!

My Pyrex and vintage kitchenware obsession...the Fiesta is on the other side of the glass doors. Can you see why my sun room is my happy place??

I also found out that Pyrex is reproducing some of the vintage patterns in new, updated styles on bowls!!! My local store is expecting them next week...I can't wait!!!

Best wishes for a great weekend!!!


  1. Your pyrex shelves are outstanding -- I'm drooling over it all!

  2. Sounds like you had a pretty eventful and full week! Love that yellow bowls set so much!!


  3. Your Pyrex set is gorgeous - would you consider linking up to my new thrifting link-up at Thanks!
