When I got home from work the other day, I was thrilled to see a box on the porch, but as I walked up to it, I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach!!
Thankfully, it was safely nestled inside of a GREAT packing job!!!
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Posted by
Bargain Hunting Treasure Seeker
delphite pyrex
7:00 AM
Friends Stopped to Visit

Friday, August 28, 2015
TGIF & Happy Birthday!!!
YAY!!! The weekend is here!!! My week is all discombobulated because I had yesterday off and had to work today (Friday's are normally my day off), I don't know why a little change like that jumbles things up, but it does. Today doesn't feel like Friday at all. I don't know what tomorrow is going to feel like-hopefully it will feel like a normal Saturday and then things will be back on track.
After work I had a fun lunch with my junking buddy Auntie from Kitschy Vintage. Today is her birthday!!! So, click the link and visit her blog and tell her Happy Birthday!! We had two friends from work join us for lunch and we all talked like crazy and laughed like crazy-what fun!!!
After lunch, Auntie walked over to my car and asked if I was planning to go to the big estate sale in Gregory, I was a little hesitant, but decided to go. My guys are all adults, so nobody needed me at home, and I didn't have anything pressing to do, so off we went!
We stopped by her house to drop my car off and then she drove. She drove me right through Hell-literally!! We had to pass through Hell (Michigan) to get to the sale! How many people can say they drove through Hell to get to a sale? Some could probably say they drove like it...but not many can say they drove through it.
We saw some cars parked on the road, and were just about to park when we got a glimpse of how long the driveway seemed to be so we took a chance and drove up the windy drive. It was a good thing too, it was a long one! There were a few cars up by the house but we easily found a spot to park.
Our first glimpse of the yard was almost overwhelming-there was a ton of stuff outside of the house in the yard, and we saw two full garages on the way to the front door of the house. You know us pretty well by now to know that we always start in the house-vintage glassware and kitcheware girls always go toward the treasures first!
This house seemed to go on forever! Each room fuller than the last! It kind of reminded me of what my grandparents house/estate sale would have been like if their house hadn't burned down. I don't know if I'm sad that all the vintage goodies in my grandparent's house burned, or if I'm relieved that their estate sale wasn't nearly as much work as it could have been. After seeing this one, I'm thinking I'm relieved more than anything.
I tried to snap some pics to show what it was like, but I couldn't capture the hugeness of it-not by a long shot! We found out that the sale was only open until 4:00...and we arrived at 3:30!!! We had to seriously pick up the pace if we were going to see it all.
As I was in the kitchen, I bumped into a small shelf filled with glassware, and rattled things around pretty good. It was a good thing because I saw a full set of white Pyrex 400 series bowls. I picked up the smallest one and saw no markings, but I put it back, and turned away. Then I decided to check the next one, and sure enough-no markings. I still set it down. Finally I grabbed the whole stack and walked over to the kitchen sink (because every inch of counter space was taken), and set the bowls down on the edge so I could get a better look.
Yep, still no markings on the smallest two...and the bottom of the biggest one felt smooth-so no markings there either. I couldn't really look very easily because I was juggling the bowls with my phone and really didn't have a good place to set them down. I saw the price and thought they were individually priced and wasn't sure I wanted to spend that much on a second set, but thought I'd take a chance, and see what they said at the check-out table.
I walked them over to the guy at check out and asked him if he could hold them for me. He was funny and grabbed them and wrapped his arms around them and leaned back in his chair. I laughed and told him he better not put them down!! We both laughed and I got back to hunting for treasures. There was so much stuff that it was overwhelming!
Under every table were boxes that were FULL of stuff! in the dining area I was digging through some boxes and found two table cloths that weren't priced, so I walked over to the check out guy and asked him how much. He took them, looked at them and said that they were good ones, and they'd probably be $20 or $30 each. I did my raised hands/no thanks/start backing away stance, and he laughed and said that he could probably sell them for $10 for the pair. Before I could agree or disagree, he asked the woman (in charge) who was standing next to him, and she looked at them and said, "No, there's stains on this one. $4 for both." YAYYYY!!!
I also picked up a funny glass for Mr. It's an old inside joke, but he loved it. I just says LEMONADE on the side-and it's super big. I'm sure it will be his favorite glass. Family members reading this will totally get it.
It was a very fun day, and I'm glad that I got to spend part of it with my good junkin buddy, helping her celebrate her day! If only I could be so lucky to have a packed out sale to go to on my birthday!!!
So, I ended up getting a full set of TRUE Opal 400 series mixing bowls-that are very grungy dirty...for $18!! Doing a little happy dance!!! One of the tablecloths has a few stains-you can see them in the picture, but the other one is awesome!! I'm so glad I went!!! Thanks Auntie for asking!!!
I didn't even get pics of all the rooms because my battery was going...story of my life...always a low battery!!! This pic is for one of the friends that we had lunch with...
The trees hide a lot of it. In the middle is a falling down greenhouse. The house and property was in a very quiet area, nestled in the woods.
It's hard to tell from the angle I took this pic, but look at the crazy eyes on this guy!!
Happy Birthday Auntie!!! I hope it was a fun day for you!!!
~Just a quick side note...today is also the Anniversary of the home-going of our dear friend and co-worker Linda-please keep her family in your prayers, and while you're at it, please keep the two little twin girls who were born today (about 7 weeks early) and their Momma in your prayers. One was 3.5pounds and the other 5.2. They all seem to be doing well, but would still appreciate many prayers on their behalf. It's hard to believe my cousin is a Grammy-she's going to be so awesome!!
Hope you have a great weekend!!! We're staying home and laying low this weekend. Next Friday, my guys and I are heading north to meet my parents in West Branch for a late lunch to celebrate my mom's birthday. A lot of driving, but we're all looking forward to seeing my parents and hanging out with them for a while. They are meeting us there, it's about the half-way point between our houses
Take care friends!!
After work I had a fun lunch with my junking buddy Auntie from Kitschy Vintage. Today is her birthday!!! So, click the link and visit her blog and tell her Happy Birthday!! We had two friends from work join us for lunch and we all talked like crazy and laughed like crazy-what fun!!!
After lunch, Auntie walked over to my car and asked if I was planning to go to the big estate sale in Gregory, I was a little hesitant, but decided to go. My guys are all adults, so nobody needed me at home, and I didn't have anything pressing to do, so off we went!
We stopped by her house to drop my car off and then she drove. She drove me right through Hell-literally!! We had to pass through Hell (Michigan) to get to the sale! How many people can say they drove through Hell to get to a sale? Some could probably say they drove like it...but not many can say they drove through it.
We saw some cars parked on the road, and were just about to park when we got a glimpse of how long the driveway seemed to be so we took a chance and drove up the windy drive. It was a good thing too, it was a long one! There were a few cars up by the house but we easily found a spot to park.
Our first glimpse of the yard was almost overwhelming-there was a ton of stuff outside of the house in the yard, and we saw two full garages on the way to the front door of the house. You know us pretty well by now to know that we always start in the house-vintage glassware and kitcheware girls always go toward the treasures first!
This house seemed to go on forever! Each room fuller than the last! It kind of reminded me of what my grandparents house/estate sale would have been like if their house hadn't burned down. I don't know if I'm sad that all the vintage goodies in my grandparent's house burned, or if I'm relieved that their estate sale wasn't nearly as much work as it could have been. After seeing this one, I'm thinking I'm relieved more than anything.
I tried to snap some pics to show what it was like, but I couldn't capture the hugeness of it-not by a long shot! We found out that the sale was only open until 4:00...and we arrived at 3:30!!! We had to seriously pick up the pace if we were going to see it all.
As I was in the kitchen, I bumped into a small shelf filled with glassware, and rattled things around pretty good. It was a good thing because I saw a full set of white Pyrex 400 series bowls. I picked up the smallest one and saw no markings, but I put it back, and turned away. Then I decided to check the next one, and sure enough-no markings. I still set it down. Finally I grabbed the whole stack and walked over to the kitchen sink (because every inch of counter space was taken), and set the bowls down on the edge so I could get a better look.
Yep, still no markings on the smallest two...and the bottom of the biggest one felt smooth-so no markings there either. I couldn't really look very easily because I was juggling the bowls with my phone and really didn't have a good place to set them down. I saw the price and thought they were individually priced and wasn't sure I wanted to spend that much on a second set, but thought I'd take a chance, and see what they said at the check-out table.
I walked them over to the guy at check out and asked him if he could hold them for me. He was funny and grabbed them and wrapped his arms around them and leaned back in his chair. I laughed and told him he better not put them down!! We both laughed and I got back to hunting for treasures. There was so much stuff that it was overwhelming!
Under every table were boxes that were FULL of stuff! in the dining area I was digging through some boxes and found two table cloths that weren't priced, so I walked over to the check out guy and asked him how much. He took them, looked at them and said that they were good ones, and they'd probably be $20 or $30 each. I did my raised hands/no thanks/start backing away stance, and he laughed and said that he could probably sell them for $10 for the pair. Before I could agree or disagree, he asked the woman (in charge) who was standing next to him, and she looked at them and said, "No, there's stains on this one. $4 for both." YAYYYY!!!
I also picked up a funny glass for Mr. It's an old inside joke, but he loved it. I just says LEMONADE on the side-and it's super big. I'm sure it will be his favorite glass. Family members reading this will totally get it.
It was a very fun day, and I'm glad that I got to spend part of it with my good junkin buddy, helping her celebrate her day! If only I could be so lucky to have a packed out sale to go to on my birthday!!!
So, I ended up getting a full set of TRUE Opal 400 series mixing bowls-that are very grungy dirty...for $18!! Doing a little happy dance!!! One of the tablecloths has a few stains-you can see them in the picture, but the other one is awesome!! I'm so glad I went!!! Thanks Auntie for asking!!!
I didn't even get pics of all the rooms because my battery was going...story of my life...always a low battery!!! This pic is for one of the friends that we had lunch with...
The trees hide a lot of it. In the middle is a falling down greenhouse. The house and property was in a very quiet area, nestled in the woods.
It's hard to tell from the angle I took this pic, but look at the crazy eyes on this guy!!
Happy Birthday Auntie!!! I hope it was a fun day for you!!!
~Just a quick side note...today is also the Anniversary of the home-going of our dear friend and co-worker Linda-please keep her family in your prayers, and while you're at it, please keep the two little twin girls who were born today (about 7 weeks early) and their Momma in your prayers. One was 3.5pounds and the other 5.2. They all seem to be doing well, but would still appreciate many prayers on their behalf. It's hard to believe my cousin is a Grammy-she's going to be so awesome!!
Hope you have a great weekend!!! We're staying home and laying low this weekend. Next Friday, my guys and I are heading north to meet my parents in West Branch for a late lunch to celebrate my mom's birthday. A lot of driving, but we're all looking forward to seeing my parents and hanging out with them for a while. They are meeting us there, it's about the half-way point between our houses
Take care friends!!
Posted by
Bargain Hunting Treasure Seeker
true opal pyrex mixing bowls
6:42 PM
Friends Stopped to Visit

Thursday, August 27, 2015
Lids, Lids, and MORE Lids!
Normally I work on Thursdays, and have Fridays off, but this week, it's my turn to work Friday and have Thursday off. So I had every intention of sleeping in this morning, and I was doing a pretty good job of it...when I jumped out of my skin to super loud music! At first, I was so sound asleep, that I couldn't figure out where it was coming from. Soon, though, I figured it out...Mr got up before his alarm and forgot to turn it off! UGH!!! 5:30 is WAYYYY to early to wake up on your day off!!!
By the time I figured out where the offensive noise was that was interrupting my sleep, and turned it off, I was too wide awake to fall back asleep!! So, I popped open my Yard Sale Treasure Map App, to see if there were any sales nearby that looked like they might have something fun. I found three that looked promising, and figured I'd wing it too. So after a quick shower, I was out the door, headed toward White Lake. I hit a bunch of sales in White Lake, Got a perfect cherry limeade at Sonic, and then hit a couple of sales in Springfield Township before finishing up at a couple antique shops in Holly.
It was a quick trip, and it was so much fun to be out early on a Thursday treasure hunting!! I couldn't believe how busy downtown Holly was today! I really had to hunt for a parking spot. Even the parking lots were full on both sides of the shops downtown! I asked the worker in Main Street Antiques if there was something going on today for so many people to be out. He said he didn't know of anything, just that Holly is a happening place! :)
One of about a dozen big sales today! At the end of the fence there was a very big garage filled with tables and vintage and antique treasures.Nothing I couldn't live without though.
Upstairs at Main Street Antiques in Holly...PYREX!!! If you need a Pyrex fix, head to Holly, there is a lot for sale all in one place!
Do you collect divided dishes? I'm not really a fan. I love the colors and designs, but the divided dish just doesn't do anything for me. So far I only have 1 and I'm willing to trade it.
I'd love to take the tan rainbow strip 403 home, but it was DWD.
Look at the floors and the ceiling!!!
A quick stop at Culver's for lunch...makes me wonder who it was that thought this was perfectly acceptable...reminds me of the old 80s commercial---"Where's the beef?" At least Sonic got my limeade right this morning, so I had that all morning to sip while I hunted for treasures!
Super cheap filler bulbs for my glass jars and a hanky.
Fire King Tulips!!
First Shenandoah Pyrex...not sure if I'll keep it or trade it, It was a good garage sale find.
Somebody I know collects blue plates for their garden...and has a son who lives in Florida...hmmm
Cream soup bowl for $4.50?? In an antique mall??? Yes! I know there's a boo boo on the edge, but once it's in a stack, no one sees it!
Pyrex 022? Didn't know it existed. It's not very old, it looks like they made them in the early 80's, but when you see it at a garage sale, and it's something you've never seen before and it is cheap, you can't leave it behind to research it and come back later.
Now I just need the big horizon fridgie and another one is done!
See? Can't tell anything is wrong with the green one!
What about the LIDS???
It seems that almost every sale I visited today was selling Pyrex lids! The most expensive lid was 75 cents. I don't necessarily need lids right now, but I know that some day I will, so I'm willing to store them until then!
I also got some cheap silverware to make a windchime!
Hope you have a great weekend!! Happy Treasure Hunting!!!
By the time I figured out where the offensive noise was that was interrupting my sleep, and turned it off, I was too wide awake to fall back asleep!! So, I popped open my Yard Sale Treasure Map App, to see if there were any sales nearby that looked like they might have something fun. I found three that looked promising, and figured I'd wing it too. So after a quick shower, I was out the door, headed toward White Lake. I hit a bunch of sales in White Lake, Got a perfect cherry limeade at Sonic, and then hit a couple of sales in Springfield Township before finishing up at a couple antique shops in Holly.
It was a quick trip, and it was so much fun to be out early on a Thursday treasure hunting!! I couldn't believe how busy downtown Holly was today! I really had to hunt for a parking spot. Even the parking lots were full on both sides of the shops downtown! I asked the worker in Main Street Antiques if there was something going on today for so many people to be out. He said he didn't know of anything, just that Holly is a happening place! :)
One of about a dozen big sales today! At the end of the fence there was a very big garage filled with tables and vintage and antique treasures.Nothing I couldn't live without though.
Upstairs at Main Street Antiques in Holly...PYREX!!! If you need a Pyrex fix, head to Holly, there is a lot for sale all in one place!
Do you collect divided dishes? I'm not really a fan. I love the colors and designs, but the divided dish just doesn't do anything for me. So far I only have 1 and I'm willing to trade it.
I'd love to take the tan rainbow strip 403 home, but it was DWD.
Look at the floors and the ceiling!!!
A quick stop at Culver's for lunch...makes me wonder who it was that thought this was perfectly acceptable...reminds me of the old 80s commercial---"Where's the beef?" At least Sonic got my limeade right this morning, so I had that all morning to sip while I hunted for treasures!
Fire King Tulips!!
First Shenandoah Pyrex...not sure if I'll keep it or trade it, It was a good garage sale find.
Somebody I know collects blue plates for their garden...and has a son who lives in Florida...hmmm
Cream soup bowl for $4.50?? In an antique mall??? Yes! I know there's a boo boo on the edge, but once it's in a stack, no one sees it!
Pyrex 022? Didn't know it existed. It's not very old, it looks like they made them in the early 80's, but when you see it at a garage sale, and it's something you've never seen before and it is cheap, you can't leave it behind to research it and come back later.
Now I just need the big horizon fridgie and another one is done!
See? Can't tell anything is wrong with the green one!
What about the LIDS???
It seems that almost every sale I visited today was selling Pyrex lids! The most expensive lid was 75 cents. I don't necessarily need lids right now, but I know that some day I will, so I'm willing to store them until then!
I also got some cheap silverware to make a windchime!
Hope you have a great weekend!! Happy Treasure Hunting!!!
Treasure Hunting Therapy!
When you've got a lot going on, or weighing on your mind and heart, what do you do to clear your head so you can focus again? I had one of those days last Saturday. I was so spun around that I couldn't think straight, so I hopped in the car, and drove.
My first stop was the Swan Creek Candle Outlet in Perry. I feel bad that I don't really look at the candles when I visit this shop, I head straight for the stairs so I can go up to the antique shop. I love to just wander and look at things. I am perfectly content to walk out empty handed.
Since I was in a westward direction, I decided to go to Mega Mall, and the Little Red Schoolhouse and my last stop was The Maple Street Mall in Mason. It does wonders (at least it does for me) to get away, and not think about anything. I didn't talk to anyone, and by the time I got home, I was able to put things in perspective and tackle some things that needed to be dealt with.
On Sunday, two of my guys and I took a little trip to The Village antiques in Millington. They wanted to go to Harbor Freight and Sonic, so they were eager to ride along. I found a couple little treasures but my guys didn't get anything from Harbor Freight-besides smelly clothes! Is it just Michigan HF's that smell so bad? I swear it takes at least an hour for the smell to wear off of their clothes when they come out of the store!
We stopped at Sonic and had a rotten experience. I left a "review" on their website and was pleasantly surprised to get a return email from the local manager giving me her phone number asking me to call her to explain what happened.I did call, and she listened and apologized and offered free food vouchers. I thanked her and declined. She said she'd put my name in their customer care log, and we'd get 3 free cherry limeades the next time we were in the area and stopped-even if it was several months down the road.
So, a LOT of driving in two days. One small purchase. Much needed quiet time to ponder, pray and focus on truth. Just in time to get crazy busy at work getting ready for a new year to start.
While sitting in the sun room, Lucy started barking like crazy...she somehow heard them before she saw them. There were two that floated over our yard that day.
Swan Creek Candle in Perry-upstairs antique shop!!
OK, so I did take one candle picture, but it was mostly for the display rack.
Mega Mall
I need a 12 step program for my cabinet addiction!!
Reminds me of my second job-hostess at Red Lobster!
I'm going to be looking for a metal rack like this!
Honey whip jars!!! I'm seeing them all over the place now, and I still LOVE them!!!
I LOVE old windows!
Someday...but not at that price!
Love the cart!
Love it!
I was excited until I saw the price!
Just like mine!
Great idea for the bench and the coat hanger made out of faucet knobs!
Getting closer to finding the right enamel daisy pin...not quite right though.
This clock was HUGE!!
Two little horizon blue fridgies came home with me!
On Monday, Mr. and I tried a new to us restaurant called Black Rock. They serve your steak on a hot rock that is over 700 degrees and you slice chunks off and cook each slice for 30 seconds on each side. I was disappointed. It was really loud in there and you couldn't hear each other very well to carry on a conversation. The stone thing was big and in the way, so you had to put your sides way off to the side, and you had to constantly be tending your steak or it would over-cook. I'm glad we tried it, but we won't go back.I'd rather go somewhere where it is more quiet and my food is cooked by the cook in the kitchen!
This was the stone it came on.
For the month of August, it has been my turn to be the facilitator of WOW- Wonderful Office Worker Day. The intention of WOW is to have some fun and do some teambuilding. The first Wednesday, I had everyone bring in their baby pictures and I hung them up and everyone had to try to guess who was who. The second Wednesday, I had everyone "Share Some LOVE", They each got a slip of paper with a name on it (one for each office support person) and they needed to write something they loved, admired or liked about that person and put the slip either on their desk or in their mailbox by the end of the day.
The third Wednesday, we did "Two Truths & a Lie". where everyone wrote out two truths and a lie about themselves and we all had to guess what was true. Then we had a potluck for lunch including the entire staff.
Yesterday, I did something silly, a game from Minute to Win it, called Noodling Around. Everyone got 8 penne pasta noodles on a napkin and a dry spaghetti noodle and they had to pick up their penne noodles with the spaghetti noodle in their mouths without using their hands! It was dead silent while they were concentrating!! It was a fun month, I'm looking forward to someone else planning the activities for September!
I finally got this from World Market. It's not old, but I love it!
Lucy says, Happy National Dog Day!!
My first stop was the Swan Creek Candle Outlet in Perry. I feel bad that I don't really look at the candles when I visit this shop, I head straight for the stairs so I can go up to the antique shop. I love to just wander and look at things. I am perfectly content to walk out empty handed.
Since I was in a westward direction, I decided to go to Mega Mall, and the Little Red Schoolhouse and my last stop was The Maple Street Mall in Mason. It does wonders (at least it does for me) to get away, and not think about anything. I didn't talk to anyone, and by the time I got home, I was able to put things in perspective and tackle some things that needed to be dealt with.
On Sunday, two of my guys and I took a little trip to The Village antiques in Millington. They wanted to go to Harbor Freight and Sonic, so they were eager to ride along. I found a couple little treasures but my guys didn't get anything from Harbor Freight-besides smelly clothes! Is it just Michigan HF's that smell so bad? I swear it takes at least an hour for the smell to wear off of their clothes when they come out of the store!
We stopped at Sonic and had a rotten experience. I left a "review" on their website and was pleasantly surprised to get a return email from the local manager giving me her phone number asking me to call her to explain what happened.I did call, and she listened and apologized and offered free food vouchers. I thanked her and declined. She said she'd put my name in their customer care log, and we'd get 3 free cherry limeades the next time we were in the area and stopped-even if it was several months down the road.
So, a LOT of driving in two days. One small purchase. Much needed quiet time to ponder, pray and focus on truth. Just in time to get crazy busy at work getting ready for a new year to start.
While sitting in the sun room, Lucy started barking like crazy...she somehow heard them before she saw them. There were two that floated over our yard that day.
Swan Creek Candle in Perry-upstairs antique shop!!
OK, so I did take one candle picture, but it was mostly for the display rack.
Mega Mall
I need a 12 step program for my cabinet addiction!!
I'm going to be looking for a metal rack like this!
Honey whip jars!!! I'm seeing them all over the place now, and I still LOVE them!!!
I LOVE old windows!
Someday...but not at that price!
Love the cart!
Love it!
I was excited until I saw the price!
Just like mine!
Great idea for the bench and the coat hanger made out of faucet knobs!
Getting closer to finding the right enamel daisy pin...not quite right though.
This clock was HUGE!!
Two little horizon blue fridgies came home with me!
On Monday, Mr. and I tried a new to us restaurant called Black Rock. They serve your steak on a hot rock that is over 700 degrees and you slice chunks off and cook each slice for 30 seconds on each side. I was disappointed. It was really loud in there and you couldn't hear each other very well to carry on a conversation. The stone thing was big and in the way, so you had to put your sides way off to the side, and you had to constantly be tending your steak or it would over-cook. I'm glad we tried it, but we won't go back.I'd rather go somewhere where it is more quiet and my food is cooked by the cook in the kitchen!
This was the stone it came on.
For the month of August, it has been my turn to be the facilitator of WOW- Wonderful Office Worker Day. The intention of WOW is to have some fun and do some teambuilding. The first Wednesday, I had everyone bring in their baby pictures and I hung them up and everyone had to try to guess who was who. The second Wednesday, I had everyone "Share Some LOVE", They each got a slip of paper with a name on it (one for each office support person) and they needed to write something they loved, admired or liked about that person and put the slip either on their desk or in their mailbox by the end of the day.
The third Wednesday, we did "Two Truths & a Lie". where everyone wrote out two truths and a lie about themselves and we all had to guess what was true. Then we had a potluck for lunch including the entire staff.
Yesterday, I did something silly, a game from Minute to Win it, called Noodling Around. Everyone got 8 penne pasta noodles on a napkin and a dry spaghetti noodle and they had to pick up their penne noodles with the spaghetti noodle in their mouths without using their hands! It was dead silent while they were concentrating!! It was a fun month, I'm looking forward to someone else planning the activities for September!
I finally got this from World Market. It's not old, but I love it!
Lucy says, Happy National Dog Day!!
Posted by
Bargain Hunting Treasure Seeker
vintage kitchenware,
vintage pyrex,
vintage treasures
2:50 PM
Friends Stopped to Visit

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