
Monday, December 27, 2010

Busy Day Today...

We have been chugging along at full steam today! We started off shopping for ideas for remodeling our bathrooms (tile, countertops, cabinets, etc), and ideas for remodeling our kitchen. I've been searching for a few years for cabinets, and I always knew that as soon as I saw it, I would know.

Today I saw "IT". Unfortunately, "IT" will cost about $30,000 just for the cupboards!!! Yikes!!! I would NEVER, EVER, pay that for just kitchen cupboards! Good thing I have a very talented husband who can make anything out of wood that I can get him a picture of! Good thing for camera phones too!!! He can make the whole kitchen for less than 10% of the cost big kitchen store-wooo hooo!

It's hard to tell by the picture, but it is quarter-sawn oak. The knobs are a a very useless tiny strap of leather-not our taste-that's for sure! Can't you just see some bright Fiesta dishes behind those doors?!?!

We move kinda slow around here, as far as making big decisions, so it will probably be a while before we get going on the kitchen or bathrooms, but it is nice to finally have a plan! My head is spinning with ideas for the kitchen. I ran a couple of them past Adam, and he wasn't too excited about them-but keeping things in perspective...he is 19 years old...and he pretty much could care less about what the kitchen looks like, or functions like-just as long as it produces food! His concerns for the bathrooms center on how much he will have to help.

After all that shopping, and idea searching, we came home and cleaned the carpet in our room, the basement family room and a couple of area rugs-whew! I thought this was supposed to be vacation-LOL!

1 comment:

  1. Very cool! I want glass front cabinets one of these days! Zootsuitmama
